Hire Real Estate Photographer: 5 Reasons

The real estate market is huge and yet, some agents do not use professional a real estate photographer to do their real estate photography properly. While in fact, itā€™s one of the few ways to quickly stand out. And not just that! Continue reading to know other reasons. By the way, it equally applies to the creatives, such as designers, architects, builders, stagers and others.

#1 Itā€™s Professional

When the homeowner wants to sell a house, he looks for the professional agent. The one, who can get the best buyer, who can avoid all scams, who can fetch the right price and do the job quickly and smoothly. All these are qualities of the pro. But how will the agent look like if he doesnā€™t source great photos for their beloved home? And what will they say to their neighbours about the agent? Pro must be a pro in every aspect.

The same thing relates to all the creatives. Theyā€™ve spent so much time and effort creating the design or building a house. And all that just to induce a wrong impression in the viewer? To have a bunch of mediocre photos on their portfolio site? It doesnā€™t make any sense at all! Photos should at least match if not improve the outlook of the final product.Ā 

#2 It Makes Your Client Feel Special

Selling a house is a routine task for the agent. But not for the owners! For them, it could be once in a lifetime event. They could have grown up in this place, they have so many memories here. And believe me, they feel special when I set up my gear and ask questions about the place when I walk around with them and create photos. They feel itā€™s important and that it all matters.

#3 Professional Real Estate Photos Make a Difference

Ever heard about the love from the first sight? Thatā€™s the goal with the real estate photos too! I guess youā€™ve browsed Instagram at some point. A huge feed of photos, one after the other, infinite scroll and then bang something catches your eye and you stop. Thatā€™s exactly what happens when you have great photos on the MLS site. The potential buyer will stop and look. And even if it improves your chances by 5%, that will still bring you several extra buyers at the Open House.Ā 

Look what Iā€™ve recently seen on Facebook. This is the message from some real estate agent on his page:

You know you have a great photographer when you have over 30 buyers at your Open House.

Do you think this could improve your outlook as an agent?

#4 Selling Faster Has Additional Benefits

Ok, you got it. Good photos sell faster as you stand out from the competition and look like a pro. But thatā€™s a bit shortsighted to think only about this. Hiring a professional real estate photographer and selling faster has some additional benefits. You can have my bet the happy owners will boast you sold their property in record time and someone else could get interested. From my experience, word of mouth is still one of the cornerstone driving forces in this industry. Spreading the word and building a reputation is an investment thatā€™s going to pay off in the long run.

Another benefit is your focus. How many houses at a time you can dedicate yourself to? Getting rid of one property opens a way to another.Ā 

The outlook you have will affect the type of clients you can get. Imagine a reputation when everyone knows the agent works with pro photographers to represent their listings in the best possible way. Guess what kind of clients you are going to get ā€“ cheapos with roach-infested houses or those which loved and cared about their properties.

#5 Pro Photos Make a Connection

Iā€™ve browsed an MLS site recently and let me tell you one thing. Phone photos do not represent the property, they do not show the flow, space. More often than not they are dark, tilted, yellow and show the corners. There were few listings that Iā€™ve closed with ā€œI donā€™t understand how it looks likeā€ resolution. The apartments could have been great and spot on, but I couldnā€™t figure it out from the photos.

Typically, a non-photographer thinks about showing some features, windows, stove. Showing these things is important but photographer knows how to build a composition, how to use the available and extra light and how to edit the photo afterwards to make the whole set consistent, inviting and colour corrected. The photographer knows exactly how to perform various tasks: how to hide an unwanted view, how to emphasise a great view instead, how to show the flow of the house, how to move the furniture for the perfect layout, etc. No randomness, just the awareness.

Conclusion: Hire a Real Estate Photographer

In the real world, some houses sell themselves. They could have an amazing location or price or other features. Some agents getting these all the time could be reluctant to hire a photographer. Other than that, it makes a perfect sense in the long run. As for the creatives, their final product (design, construction, building) deserves the best outlook and presentation a photographer can provide.

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Anton Gorlin:
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